Recipe: Suki-Noodle Soup

Type: Noodle Soup

Thai Pronounciation: >>>Click

Other Possible Names: Thai Sukiyaki


Suki-Noodle Soup



  1. Soak a small bundle of Woonsen Noodle in a bowl for 5 minutes, then rinse water out.
  2. Pour 2-3 cups of water into a pot. Then add some pieces of chicken slices or another meat of you choice. Wait until it is cooked.
  3. Add the soaked Woonsen Noodle with chopped Napa and chopped Chinese spinach. A proper amount for the ingredients are the amount that fits in your serving bowls. Wait until vegetables and noodle are almost cooked.
  4. Add some chopped Scallion and Chinese celery.
  5. Season it with fish sauce and a little bit of sugar.
  6. Crack 1-2 eggs in a small bowl. Stir and mix egg yolk, egg white and 1-2 tablespoons of Suki Sauce thoroughly. Then add it in the pot.
  7. Keep stirring the egg mixture until egg is cooked.
  8. Serve this dish with additional Suki Sauce.

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