Recipe: Sacoo Sai Moo

Type: Appetizer

Thai Pronounciation: >>>Click

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Sacoo Sai Moo



  1. Prepare Filling
  2. Mix 3-4 stems of Cilantro and 3 cloves of Garlic in a food processor. Then fry this mixture with 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  3. Add 1/2 cup of ground Pork. Wait until Pork is cooked. Then add 3/8 cup of minced shallots and 1/8 cup of minced Sweet Preserved Radishes.
  4. Season it with Pepper, Oyster sauce, Soy sauce and Coconut Sugar.
  5. Keep stirring it until the mixture holds together.
  6. Turn off the stove, then add 1 cup of crushed peanuts. Mix it thoroughly.
  7. Let it cool down.
  8. Prepare Shell
  9. Take a small portion of the filling to form it into a ball shape.
  10. Gradually mix Sacoo Grain with warm water until it holds together.
  11. Take a portion of Sacoo Mixture to wrap over the filling. Then form it into a ball shape.
  12. Place Sacoo ball in a hot streamer, then wait until it is cooked.
  13. Take it out from the streamer and apply a little bit of vegetable oil all over the ball.
  14. Serve this dish with Cilantro, Lettuce and Fresh Chili.

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