Recipe: Ginger fish

Type: Special

Thai Pronounciation: >>>Click

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Ginger fish



  1. Peel Ginger skin and slice it in thin pieces.
  2. Clean fish fillet with water.
  3. Place pieces of ginger sliced on a cooking plate. Place fish on top of the ginger slices then cover the fish with the ginger slices again.
  4. Put the plate in a hot streamer until it is done. (You can also cook the fish in microwave. To avoid bursting the fish, turn on microwave only for 45 seconds, then wait 20 seconds before start cooking again. Repeat these steps until the fish is cooked.)
  5. Put 1/4 teaspoon of minced garlic and a little bit of minced chili in a sauce bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of Lime Juice and 2 tablespoons of Fish sauce. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of sugar and mix it thoroughly.
  6. Taste your sauce and adjust amount of Sugar, Fish sauce and Lime juice for the flavor that you like.
  7. Serve the fish with Thai seafood sauce.

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