Recipe: Tom Yum

Type: Soup

Thai Pronounciation: >>>Click

Other Possible Names: Thai soup recipes , Tom yum gai , Tom yum soup , Tom kha, Gai Tom Kha


Tom Yum Goong, this name consists of three word roots: Tom (ต้ม), Yum (ยำ) and Goong (กุ้ง). Tom (ต้ม) means boil. Yum (ยำ) refers to something spicy and sour. Goong mean shrimp. The authentic recipe for this dish usually use shrimp. However we can substitute source of protein from shrimp to something else such as chicken or seafood. Thus, we can call those dishes with the substitutions that Tom Yum Chicken and Tom Yum Seafood respectively. When combining the three word roots above, it refers to something that was boiled with shrimp and has spicy and sour tastes. So, What else you can think about other than Tom Yum Goong?

Tom Yum



  1. Add 3-5 pieces of each Galangal slices and chopped Lemongrass to a pot.
  2. Take 5 Bergamot leaves and tear each leaf to four pieces. Then add it to the pot.
  3. (Optional) Slice fresh Chili or crack it, then add it to the pot. The amount of Chili used depends on your spicy preference.
  4. Add 500ml. of water to the pot, and start boiling.
  5. When the water is boiled, add half cup of shrimp. Then keep boiling.
  6. When the soup has reached the boiling point again, add 1 tablespoon of chili paste. Stir and mix Chili paste thoroughly.
  7. Add 1/3 cup of Mushroom slices
  8. Season it with Fish Sauce and sugar.
  9. Add chopped Cilantro, then turn off stove.
  10. Finally, season the soup with Lime Juice.

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