Recipe: Tong yord

Type: Desert

Thai Pronounciation: >>>Click

Other Possible Names:


Tong yord



  1. Melt 500 grams of Sugar with 500 grams of water on Medium to low temperature. After it boiled, Turn off the stove. Let it cool down.
  2. Filter 3 egg yolks and its membrane by squeezing the egg yolk through cheese clothes.
  3. Whip and stir egg yolk until its volume is raised up. Gradually add 1 tablespoon of Rice Flour and keep whipping it until it is mixed thoroughly.
  4. Melt another 500 grams of Sugar with 500 grams of water on Medium to low temperature. Keep boiling it.
  5. Use a spoon to scoop the egg yolk mixture, then drop it in the boiling syrup. The shape of mixture would be a water drop shape.
  6. When the mixture drops are cooked, take them out from the boiling syrup and leave them in the cool syrup instead.

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