Recipe: Thai Shrimp Crunch Crepe

Type: Appetizer

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Thai Shrimp Crunch Crepe



  1. Prepare crepe
  2. Mix 1.5 cup of Rice flour, 0.5 cup of Mung bean flour, 0.5 cup of water, 0.5 cup of Carbonated Water, 1 Egg and 3 teaspoons of Coconut Sugar.
  3. Mix it thoroughly. Then let it set for one hour.
  4. Prepare Cream
  5. Prepare 0.5 cup of Sugar.
  6. Mix 3 Eggs White with 0.5 tablespoon of Cream of Tartar. Then whip on high speed until it forms a peak.
  7. Gradually add Sugar and keep whipping it.
  8. Prepare Inner Filling
  9. Cut Scallion in small pieces. (0.5 cm length)
  10. Start preparing the inner filling by mixing 0.25 cup of Coconut flakes with 0.5 cup of minced Shrimp.
  11. Mix 3-4 stems of Cilantro, some Pepper and 3 cloves of Garlic in food processor. Then stir fry this mixture with a little bit of vegetable oil.
  12. Add Shrimp and Coconut flakes.
  13. Season it with Pepper, Salt and Sugar.
  14. Add a little bit of orange color extract.
  15. 18 Mix it thoroughly. Then let it cool down.
  16. Assembling the crepe
  17. Drop 1-2 tablespoon of crepe mixture on a hot pan, then flatten and circle it until it turns to oval shape. Wait until the crepe is almost cooked.
  18. Scoop 1 tablespoon of cream. Place it on top of the crape, then flatten and circle it. Wait a few second to let the cream cook. Place some Inner filling on top of the cream. Then sprinkle a little bit of chopped Scallion on top of it.
  19. Detach crepe from the pan. Then tuck the crepe between two sides.
  20. Now your Thai Crunch Crepe is done!

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