Recipe: Thai Shrimp Crunch Crepe
Type: Appetizer
Thai Pronounciation: >>>Click
Other Possible Names:
- Rice flour
- Mung bean flour
- Carbonated Water
- Egg
- Coconut Sugar
- Hard Coconut flesh (Not Young Coconut flesh)
- Cream of Tartar
- Sugar
- Scallion
- Shrimp
- Cilantro
- Pepper
- Garlic
- Vegetable Oil
- Coconut flakes
- Orange color extract
- Prepare crepe
- Mix 1.5 cup of Rice flour, 0.5 cup of Mung bean flour, 0.5 cup of water, 0.5 cup of Carbonated Water, 1 Egg and 3 teaspoons of Coconut Sugar.
- Mix it thoroughly. Then let it set for one hour.
- Prepare Cream
- Prepare 0.5 cup of Sugar.
- Mix 3 Eggs White with 0.5 tablespoon of Cream of Tartar. Then whip on high speed until it forms a peak.
- Gradually add Sugar and keep whipping it.
- Prepare Inner Filling
- Cut Scallion in small pieces. (0.5 cm length)
- Start preparing the inner filling by mixing 0.25 cup of Coconut flakes with 0.5 cup of minced Shrimp.
- Mix 3-4 stems of Cilantro, some Pepper and 3 cloves of Garlic in food processor. Then stir fry this mixture with a little bit of vegetable oil.
- Add Shrimp and Coconut flakes.
- Season it with Pepper, Salt and Sugar.
- Add a little bit of orange color extract.
- 18 Mix it thoroughly. Then let it cool down.
- Assembling the crepe
- Drop 1-2 tablespoon of crepe mixture on a hot pan, then flatten and circle it until it turns to oval shape. Wait until the crepe is almost cooked.
- Scoop 1 tablespoon of cream. Place it on top of the crape, then flatten and circle it. Wait a few second to let the cream cook. Place some Inner filling on top of the cream. Then sprinkle a little bit of chopped Scallion on top of it.
- Detach crepe from the pan. Then tuck the crepe between two sides.
- Now your Thai Crunch Crepe is done!