Recipe: Goong Ob WoonSen

Type: Fried Noodle

Thai Pronounciation: >>>Click

Other Possible Names: Koong Ob WoonSen, Shrimp Woonsen, Shrimp Glass Noodle, Shrimp noodle, Shrimp Clay Pot,


Goong Ob WoonSen



  1. Place 2-3 pieces of Bacon on the bottom of your pot.
  2. Place a small bundle of WoonSen Noodle (Approximately 50 g) in a bowl. Add water and let it soak for 5 minutes.
  3. Then place 3-5 pieces of Ginger slices, chopped Cilantro (1-2 inches long) and 3 cloves of cracked Garlic in a mixture bowl.
  4. Then sprinkle some pepper all over the mixture. Add 2 tablespoons of Soy Sauce and 2 tablespoons of Oyster Sauce.
  5. Take the soaked WoonSen from the water and mix it with the mixture. Add a little bit of water or stock, in order to mix it easily, then place the mixture in the pot (on top of bacon).
  6. Add 0.5 lb. of shrimp on top of the Woonsen and add 1/8 cup of chicken stock on top. Then close the pot lid and turn on the stove.
  7. Wait until it is cooked, then add a little bit of chopped Cilantro on top. Now your dish is ready to serve.

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